Private Day Nursery based in Bloxwich

Choose Charlie Caterpillar’s Day Nursery for all of your childcare needs. Our unique ‘key person approach’ allows us to tailor the care and education we offer to truly meet the needs of every child and their family.

Your Key Person will meet your child’s every need and keep you fully informed every step of the way. Our unique ‘key person approach’ has been developed from our vast experience spanning over 20 years. We nurture childrens emotional health and well-being, encouraging confidence and buidling self-esteem in an environment where they are loved and cared for by staff as if they were their own.

To find out more, complete a New Enquiry to book a showaround.

Private nursery
Private nursery in walsall

‘Key person approach’ :

  • A key person is allocated at enquiry, grouped by age so they move through the ages together.
  • A parent meeting will take place prior to start so we can get to know you and what you want for your child.
  • Your child will spend a minimum of 2 sessions with their key person before they start.
  • Your key person will take care of all your childs needs and remain with your child throughout their time with us.
  • Your key person will keep you fully informed every day recording everything on parent zone for you.
  • We understand your child’s safety and health is your prime concern when you are away from them, rest assured it’s ours too.

Progress and development

Your key person will plan and resource the environment following your child’s interests. They’ll help them reach their full potential recording their progress for you every step of the way. Your child will be their focus approx. every 4 weeks when they’ll tune in and check their progress across all areas of learning. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), observing and assessing your child across the 7 areas of learning;

Communication and Language, Physical development, Personal, Social and emotional development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, expressive arts and design.

Charlie Caterpillars

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"Brilliant nursery and team, highly recommend."

Sarah A

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