A well establised childrens day nursery in Walsall

We can train you for childcare apprenticeships. For more information on our training courses in Walsall, the West Midlands, get in touch with Charlie’s Training & Employment.

Are you looking for a day care for your child?

Contact Charlie Caterpillars Day Nursery we offer excellent child care services in Walsall West Midlands.
Fostering close partenerships between parents and key persons, we undertsand that with a busy schedule it can be difficult at times to keep track of your childs activites. We provide every parent with accsess to our parent zone app which will bring you closer to your childs learning and development. You can track every detail and work closer with your key person taking part in every activity planned for your child.

Walsall nursery

Benefits of ParentZone app:

  • Complete details of a child
  • Timeline for an entire day
  • Easy tracking
  • Details of sessions
  • Quick communication with the key worker
  • Online payment of bills

Please go through the FAQs for more details.

Walsall nursery

How to sign up for ParentZone?

Over 30,000 parents are already using ParentZone to connect with their nurseries and help their child’s development. Speak to your nursery manager and ask them to contact Connect Childcare to sign up for ParentZone. Once the nursery has signed up, download your free app from the App Store or Play Store and never miss a moment again. See your child grow with us!

Take a look at our video below

Charlie Caterpillars

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"Brilliant nursery and team, highly recommend."

Sarah A

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