0-11 Months Parent Baseline

I like to be with other babies and grown ups. I look at faces and move my arms and legs to show that I like to be with them:

I look at faces and can copy movements you make with your face, like sticking out my tongue, opening and closing my mouth or making my eyes bigger:

I can show you that I like you talking to me by moving my arms and legs, making my eyes bigger and opening and closing my mouth:

I can show you that I am interested in what you are doing by looking at and watching you:

I can show that I like you to hold me or cuddle me by snuggling up to you, smiling, looking at your face or stroking you:

I laugh and gurgle to tell you that I like being tickled or lifted up:

I can use my voice or look at you to get your attention and tell you that I want you to be with me:

I like to see grown ups’ faces and hear their voices when I am feeling upset, worried, tired or hungry:

I snuggle into grown ups that I know when I am feeling upset, worried or tired:

When I am feeling upset, I like you to hold me, rock me, speak to me or sing to me quietly and calmly:

I can show you that I am happy, worried or excited by the noises that I make, by opening and closing my eyes or the way I move my arms and legs:

I can show you that I know how other people are feeling by smiling back at a grown up when they smile at me and becoming upset when I hear another child crying:

I move my head or body when I hear noises and see things or people:

I can hold my head up:

I can move my arms and legs in different ways such as waving and kicking:

I can roll over from my back on to my tummy and from my tummy on to my back:

When I am lying on my tummy I can use my arms to help me lift my head and then my chest:

I like to look at and play with my hands and feet:

I can reach out and touch things that are near to me:

I can hold things in my hand that are near to me:

I like to explore things by putting them in my mouth:

I like it when you cuddle me, stroke my cheeks or pat my back:

I will show you that I am upset, tired or hungry by making noises such as crying or by moving my arms, legs or body:

I will show you that I know when it is meal time by looking at you, my food or drink or by making noises or moving my arms and legs to tell you that I am excited or ready:

I move my head or body to find sounds that I know when I hear them:

I listen to different sounds grown ups make with their voices and can move my arms, legs or body or make noises when I hear them:

I will show you that I like you talking to me by smiling at you, looking at you or moving my arms, legs or body:

Sometimes when you talk to me I will become quieter or make noises and move my arms, legs or body:

When you talk to me, I look at you, but I will turn my head or body when you stop:

I like listening to sounds that things I know and grown ups make:

I listen when you sing songs and rhymes as you tickle my tummy or play with my fingers and toes:

I stop what I am doing and listen to a new voice or sound when I hear it:

When you say my name I stop what I am doing and look at you:

I understand what you mean when you use words and actions together. For example, as you wave and say “bye bye” or use actions as you sing rhymes like “Wind the bobbin up":

I can let you know what I want or how I am feeling by making different noises such as crying, gurgling, babbling and squealing:

When a grown up that I know talks to me I make sounds and noises that are special to me:

I can lift up my arms when I think you are going to pick me up:

I like to make different sounds and noises, such as “baba”, “nono” and “gogo” when a grown up talks to me:

I like you to sing songs and rhymes and read stories to me:

Babies need to hear words and learn to use these:

Babies need to explore what happens when they use their hands and feet.:

I notice when there is one thing or when there are lots of things (up to 3 things) in a bowl or basket:

Babies need to play with things and find out what they can do with their hands, feet and body:

Babies need to develop relationships with grown ups:

I move my eyes and then my head when I want to look at things:

I like to look around where I am for things that I would like to play with:

I smile at things that I like to play with:

I like to kick or shake things that make a noise, like a mobile or rattle, over and over again:

Babies need to explore lots of different things to find out what they can do with them:

Charlie Caterpillars

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